Macro based meal plan only


Macro based meal plan only.

Meal plan is based on macros and learning how  to count and measure your foods based on your goals. Whether your goals is :to cut ,lose weight and body fat/ maintain, body composition or to bulk, gain muscle . Meal plan is an 8 week meal plan with a check-in every 2 weeks to  help you re adjust your macros based on your progress. When you receive your meal plan it is going to show your calories and macros - protein/ carbs/ fats your body needs according to your goals.  With a break down of breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner and the amount of serving for everything.

Macro based meal plan is great to help you have a better understanding on how much you should be consuming and giving a better perspective of your goals.




once you have purchased you will receive an email by me within 48hours. With all questions needed to created your personalized meal plan. 



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